Welcome to First Grade!

Durham Elementary School in Tigard, Oregon.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

And November is almost over!

With one day left of November, I decided I should upload the pictures from this month.  We had 3 Stars of the week:

 Kaitlyn also celebrated her birthday this month.

We imagined what being a scarecrow would be like and made some darling artwork.

We read how Spookley the Square Pumpkin saved all the other pumpkins during a storm.

And we displayed our own Pumpkin Patch.

We couldn't let November end without learning about the Pilgrims and Native Americans.  In order to experience a touch of Pilgrim life, we made homemade butter.  The butter didn't set before the end of the school day--it is hard work.  So we used store bought bread, butter, and honey at our class "feast."

With the harvest over, we spent the last week doing art lit and science.  We learned about the sculptor,  Bernini, and made medallions out of clay.

Our focus in science was how tools and technology have improved the way we do things.

 Using a variety of tools we made a bird feeder.  We hung these outside the school.  Do you think the birds or squirells will eat the food first?

It's hard to tell who the camera hogs are--NOT!